Object NumberP.AHG.0043
TitleDetail view of Time Piece clock tower inscription
DescriptionThe sculpture is made of metal and stone.Date07/24/2015
Previous NumberM.0359
InscriptionsTime Piece. At midnight the golden sphere comes to rest at the bottom of the clock tower. At noon it rises to the top. The hours are marked by horizontal lines on the tower walls. Karl Schlamminger Munich, 1993. Members and Friends of the Class of 1959: Norman L. Achilles, William T. Adam, Francis J. Aguilar, James R. Ahern, Robert P. Albrecht, Burton H. Alden, James W. Alstrom, John E. Andrew, John F. Archer, John M. Armstrong, Paul E. Arnold, Harold E. Ashby, Mustafa A. Aysan, Robert L. Bael, Benjamin F. Bailar, Berkeley R. Bailey, William A. Baker, Jr., Daniel F. Barker, Benjamin H. Barnett, Jr., Ronald H. Bauman, Jr., Francis H. Beam, Jr., John Beard, Jr., Warren R. Beaulieu, William H. Becker, Donald A. E. Beer, C. Huston Bell, Jefferson R. Bender, Gordon R. Bennett, Jr., John M. Bergesen, Victor R. Besso, Richard H. Beuthel, Simon P. bickley, Jr., G. Peter Bidstrup, Donald W. Bigham, Allen C. Billheimer, William H, Bines, Robert J. Bingham, Benhamin C. Bishop, Jr., Charles W. Bisset, Thomas S. Blant, Donald E. Bobo, William A. Bodrug, Sidney T. Bogradus, Christoffer R. Bolrig, John E. P. Borden, Harold Sheldon Bott, Edward S. Bottom, William N. Bowie, James T. Brady, George S. Braley, Coleman M. Brandt, Fred P. Braun, Jr., Warren E. Brecht, Peter N. Breyfogle, Warren G.Briggs, Peter L. Brook, Charles I. Brown, Henry N. Brown, John B. Brown, William J. Brown, Jr., Dee C. Buchanan, John B. Bunnell, John L. Burke, Jr., Edward C. Bursk, Jr., Richard K. Byers, Powell M. Cabot, Jr., WAlter M. Cabot, Martain J. Cain, Jr., Raymond W. Caldwell, Jr., Bruce E. Campbell, Jr., Byron C. Campbell, Arthur D. Cannon, John D. Carden, John Cardoza, Richard N. Cardoza, Roderick Carnegie, Darrell W Carpenter, Munro M. Carroll, Glenn H. Carson, Richard B. Carter, John R. Castle, John A. Cervieri, Jr., Theodore S. Chadbourne, Frank M. Chamberlain, Arthur P. Chamain, Anil M. Chandaria, Austin Chapman, Robert L. Chason, Walter A. Chenoweth, Alexander M. Clark, Orson C. Clay, Paul B. Clifford,Dean C. Coddington, Harold W Cogger, Arthur P. Cohen, Walter P. Cohn, David W. Colby, Charles P. Coleman, John C. Collet, Richard Connell, Arthur Connolly, Charles S. Connolly, James H. Connors, Jr., James Cooper, Lawrence W. Corbett, Jr., Thomas W. Courtney, William C. Coving, Stuart W. Cragin, Jr., Edward K. Crawford, Richard L. Crist, Gordon J. Crook, Robert F. Cummings, Robert J. Cummins, Joseph J. Cuneo, Jr., Robert S. Custer, Joseph M. Davidowitz, Marvin H. Davidson, J. Morton Davis, Richard S. Davis, Douglas de Forest, Alain M. de L'Epine, Norman R. Dewar, George S. Diamond, Carmine D. Giambattista, David S. Dimling, Vrooks G. Dodd, Leocadio J. Cominguez, William P. Donahue, James Doolan, Burt N. Dorsett, James P. Dougherty, James K. Dow, Jr., Jean-Paul Dreyus, john H. Duddy III, Carl M. Dughi, James M. Dunn, Jr., Alexander R. Dyer, Jr., John H. Dykes, Jr., John Edwards, Gerard Egre, Duane H. Ekedahl, Andrew G. Elsbree, Charles W. Ervin, Rober E. Esch, Boyd N. Everett, Jr., Albert A. Ewald, Henry B. Eyring, Mervin L. Ezray, Pierre A. Favre, Frank K. Fenno III, David M. Ferguson, Peter J. Fernald, Paul Fetko, John P. Figh, Lee J. Fingar, Donald S. Fischer, Lawrence R. Fleisher, Carroll H. Fleming, Jr., Robert R. Florsheim, James D. Forbes, Coleman A. Foster, J. Ronald Fox, Robert G. Fraser, Robert W. Fri, David Fryberger, Edward J. Fuhrman, William A. Fullarton, Chester O. Cale, Jr., Robert W. Ganger, M, Dosier Gardner, Charles H. Garrigues, Peter W. Gavian, Charles N. Gebhard, William D. George, Jr., Leon V. Germain, Harvey S. Gerry, Jr., James D. Gibbons, John M. gillen, William G. Glass, Thomas D. Gleason, Roger A. Golde, Morton R. Goldhar, George H. B. gould, John R. Graham, Jr., George W. Gray, John A. Griner III, Gustav E. Grisard, Grant H. Griswold, Edmund A. Grossman, Donald Grimewald, George Gulick, Jr., Henry H. Haight IV, Richard Haley, Henry E. Hamel, Jr., Gail B. Hamilton, John W. Hanley, Albert L. Harvury, Timothy Y. Harford, Robert A. Hastings, Norman W. Hayman, David W. Hefferman, Robert L. Heller, F. Warren Hellman, Robin A. E. Herbert, Howard W. Herman, Richard F. Hespos, John R. Hesse, Leigh H. Hickcox, William W. higgins, Lawrence B. Hilford, Richard H. Hillsley, Walter E. Himrighs, David S. Hirsch, Alan J. Hirschfield, Thomas E. Hitselberger, Hubert E. Hocutt, Richard G. Hodgson, Rudolph L. Hoeltzel, Harry H. Hofferburth, Kelley Vaughn Holbert, Richard D. Holbrook, William B. Holding, J. Thomas Holton, W. E. Samuel Hopmeier, Paul S. Horowitz, John C. Horvitz, Alanson O. Houghton, John W. Howell, Richard W. Huffman, Richard H. Hughes, George L. Humphrey, Timothy J. Hunt, Willis M. Hunt, Lee K. Hurd, Francis H. Ingolsy, Jr., H. Larry Isaacson, Charles S. Isherwood, Jerry C. Ivie, Rawdon St. J. Jackson, Edgar D. Jannotta, Robert E Jensen, Robert M. Jewell, George B. Johnson, Jeremy W. Johnson, Ralph A. Johnson, Robert E. Johnson, Jr., Louis R. Jones, W. Melville Jones III, D. A. Jordan, Jon D. Joslyn, Michael Y. L. Kan, Robert N. Kate, Jon R. Katzenbach, Douglas C. Kay, David H. Kaye, H. William Kayser, Jr., Gerald T. Keating, Robert E. Keiter, Henry S. Keller, Edward W. Kelley, Jr., Edward J Kelly, James Killough III, Alfred M. King, Thomas L. King, Jr., Gordon F. Kinglsey, Donald E. Kissel, Lewis J. Kleinrock, A. Theodore Kline, Peter S. Knox III, Ronald W. Koch, John C. Koepke, Edgar R. Koerner, Richard A. Koplow, Paul B. Kopperl, Robert L. Krakoff, Leonard S. Kranser, Walter L. Kraus, Fred Krimm, John B. Kunz, Jonathan D. Kutner, Francois C. Lachelier, Anthony M. Lamport, John G. Landers, Robert L. Larsen, Jr., Richard J. Laulor, Maurille A. Lavigne, Neill B. Lawton, Robert Leavitt. Members and Friends of the Class of 1959: Jerry LeBoyer, David A. Leinbach, Jill Leinbach, William R. Leitch, Henri E. Lemeur, Pierre R. Lepicard, Fred N. Levin, Lawrence Lewis, William C. Lewis, Jr., Framl B Liddell, Jr., Michael R. Linburn, James R. Lincoln, Jr., Vincent E. Lind, J. David Lindhom, J. Hoyl Lockett, Dunbar Lockwood, Jr., Gerald A. Lodge, J. Joseph Loewenberg, John O. Lohre, Charles F. Lombard, James K. Loverude, Donald H. Luecke, Jack R. Lukin, Eugene W. Lyman, Frederick W. Lyons, Jr., Nigel S. MacEwan, Hansjoerg Mack, Phillip F. Macy, Gerard F. Mader, James J. Maher, Robert H. Mahoney, James E. Marble, Jr., Ilivie J. Martin, Edward H. L. Mason, William D. Mathewson, J. Bruce McBrayer, Richard E. McCowan, Paul J. McGoldrick, James I. McGuire, Jr., Bert H. McLachlan, C. Bruce McLagan, Neil McLaughlan, Jr., Heath B. McLendon, John A. McLendon, Warren K. McOmber, James M. McSherry, Robert W. Medearis, Arnold L. Mende, Richard L. Menschel, A. Barry Merkin, Alec Merriam, Paul C. Merritt, James H. Messing, William R. Millager, David J. Miller, Donald K. Miller, Rovert J. Mocker, James B. Moffatt, Lionel C. Mohr, Jr., Bengamin L. Moltman, Jr., George G. Montgomery, Jr., Dwight C. Moorhead, William E. Moran, Trevor M. Morris, Joseph F. Mueller, David N. Muirhead, Thomas P. Mullaney, Charles E. Nelson, John M. Nelson, Richard G. Nelson, Alexander Neuwirth, David T. Newman, Donald T. Nightingale, Michael J. H. Nightingale, Richard W. Nolan, P. Chapin Nolen, R. Douglas Norby, William C. Norman, Jr., Rudy R, Norris, Robert E. O'Brien, Desmond H. O'Connell, Jr., Graeme D. W. Odgers, Charles K. Orr, Charles F. Oudin, Jr., R. Craig Overture, Morgan Palmer, Potter Palmer, William J. Pape II, Robert A. Parry, Dan C. Partridge, William Patten, Alexander Pausley, David W. Peck, Jr., David C. Penning, William E. Peterson, Phil A. Petitt, Ronald A. Petti, Roy D. Pfeil, Robert P. Piccus, John K. Pike, Thomas E. Pinkerton, Eugene E. Pofahl, James F. Pomroy, Frank Poole, Thomas V. Poole, F. Harvey Popell, Charles Porten, Donald C. Powell, Millard B. Prisant, R. Alan Prosswimmer, Peter M. Pruzan, Freeman T. Putney, Jr., Howard A. Raphaelson, Raun J. Rasmussen, Kenneth H. Read, Charles M. Reagle, Jr., S. Richard Reece, Richard A. Reed, Alan A. Reich, Allen K. Reilly, Charles C. Reilly, Edward C. Rhodes, Daniel Roberts, Robert G. Rogers, James T. Rohleen, Joseph L. Roller, Leon M. Rosenson, Andrew M. Rouse, Henry S. Rowland III, Kenneth A. Ruck, William M. Rusch, John R. Russel, John M. Ryan, David J. Rylander, Seymour S. Sadinoff, Robert B. Sale, Jr., Louis David Salomone, Paul Samson, Franklin D. Sanders, E. Halsey Sandford, John K. Sargent, Cevat Sarikamis, Thomas L. Schauer, Rounsevelle W. Schaum, Alfred G. Scheid, Chaunce E. Schmidt, Robert P. Schowalter, Anton E. Schrafl, Carl A. Schroeder, Karl F. Schuele, Regis W. Schultis, Jr., Arthur H. Schultz, James C. Schultz, William R. Schultz, Edward F. Schuman, Jr., Henri A. Schupf, Eugene A. Schwinger, William A. Searle, Jr., J. Whitman Sears, Ronald G. Segel, John F. Sexton, Donald B. Shackelford, Wills W. Shaner, John Sherman, John C. Sherman, Roger Sherman, Gerald C. Shorgen, George M. Shore, Leonard L. Shurz, Lester V. Siegel, Jr., Stephen L. Singer, J. Hampson Skinner, Charles M. Smith, George A. Smith, Gordon V. Smith, Herbert R. Smith, John M. Smith, Richard M. Smith, Walter P. Smith, Bert P. Snyder, Robert L. Soltz, Ralph Z. Sorenson, Jean F. Soublin, Robert L. Sprinkel III, Newell P. Stepp, Jr., Paul W. Stern, James R. Stewart, Eugene L. Stickley, Richard M. Stimson, Robert Stinson, Jr., Lloyd Stockel, David B. Stocker, Paul T. Stoffel, Marvin W. Stucky, Jack S. Subar, Lawrence T. Sullivan, Dean H. Swain, Thomas R. Swanston, William H. Taubert, Jr., Keene Taylor, Malcolm S. Taylor, Victor I. Taylor, Alan H. Temple, Jr., Bide L. Thomas, Henry L. Thompson, John R. Thomson, Thomas H. Thomson, Robert C. Thurston, James E. C. Tinsman, David E. Tittle, Robert C. Todd, Jr., Hale N. Tongren, Hrand J, Topjian, Alan P. Trei, Charles W. Trippe, Loren C. Troescher, George P. Turci, Albert L. Urich, Jr., Kenneth S. Uston, S. William Valentine, Jr., Floyd M. Van Hoosen, Arthur P. Vautrain, Robert E. Via, Thomas Vickery, William E. Vickery, William McG. Vickery, Jerome E. Vielehr, Harvey J. Wachtel, Catherine Waite, Charles P. Waite, John K. Waite, Stephen L. Wald, Ray C. Walker, Richard B. Walker, Richard M. Wall, Peter W. Wallace, Thomas L. Webb, Nathaniel s. Weiner, Jeffery L. West, Peter J. West, Frank J. Wezniak, Alton R. Wheelock, Alexander M. White, Jr., Somers H. White, Robert C. Wilkinson, Bruce O. B. Williams, Dale Williams, Frederic J. Williams, Jr., Howard H. Williams III, Roland B. Williams, Robert G. Wilmers, Leonard M. Wilson, Robert A. Wolf, James D. Wolfensohn, Derish M. Wolff, Courtenay P. Worthington, Jr., John A. Worton, William W. Wright, bertram Wyle, Peter M. Wynn, Scott York, Thomas J. Yost, Josepg J. Youll, Ralph Zani, Alwin D. L. Zecha, George Zondiros. George F. Baker III has also made a generous gift in support of this chapel in memory of his great grandfather.
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Reproduction NoteNo portion of this object shall be reproduced, released, or distributed by any means without the express written permission of the Harvard University Property Information Resource Center.
Object Number: P.AHG.0041
Date: 07/24/2015
Class of 1959 Chapel
Object Number: P.AHG.0042
Date: 07/24/2015
Class of 1959 Chapel
Object Number: P.238.0003
Date: [01/01/2012]
Project Number: PIRC 2012-002
Class of 1959 Chapel
Project Name: Building photography
Object Number: P.238.0004
Date: [01/01/2012]
Project Number: PIRC 2012-002
Class of 1959 Chapel
Project Name: Building photography
Object Number: P.238.0005
Date: [01/01/2012]
Project Number: PIRC 2012-002
Class of 1959 Chapel
Project Name: Building photography
Clock tower structure
Object Number: 238_0027
Date: 12/07/1994
Project Number: HBS 1990-002
Class of 1959 Chapel
Project Name: Class of 1959 Chapel original construction
Clock tower
Object Number: 238_0026
Date: 12/07/1994
Project Number: HBS 1990-002
Class of 1959 Chapel
Project Name: Class of 1959 Chapel original construction
Object Number: P.238.0011
Date: [01/01/2012]
Project Number: PIRC 2012-002
Class of 1959 Chapel
Project Name: Building photography
Object Number: P.238.0012
Date: [01/01/2012]
Project Number: PIRC 2012-002
Class of 1959 Chapel
Project Name: Building photography
Object Number: P.238.0013
Date: [01/01/2012]
Project Number: PIRC 2012-002
Class of 1959 Chapel
Project Name: Building photography
Object Number: P.238.0014
Date: [01/01/2012]
Project Number: PIRC 2012-002
Class of 1959 Chapel
Project Name: Building photography
Object Number: P.238.0015
Date: [01/01/2012]
Project Number: PIRC 2012-002
Class of 1959 Chapel
Project Name: Building photography