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Environmental room details
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Object Number311_2414

TitleEnvironmental room details
Text Entries
1. Microscope (2092A) plan -- 2. Microscope room (2092A) reflected ceiling plan -- 3. Microscope - north -- 4. Microscope - east -- 5. Microscope - south -- 6. Microscope - west -- 7. Microscope - entry -- 9. 18 degree Celsius injection room (50442C) reflected ceiling plan -- 10. 18 degree Celsius injection room - door -- 11. 18 degree Celsius injection room - south
Project NameDepartment of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, professor Cassandra Extavour Laboratory expansion
Project NumberFCOR 2015-0137
Sheet NumberA16-11
Access NoteAccess to Property Information Resource Center collections is restricted to approved Harvard University staff, or by permission.
Reproduction NoteNo portion of this object shall be reproduced, released, or distributed by any means without the express written permission of the Harvard University Property Information Resource Center.
ConditionVery Good
Extent1 drawing
DimensionsOverall: 30 × 42 in. (76.2 × 106.7 cm)
MediumBlackline print
Support / MaterialPaper
ScaleAs noted
Object Number: 311_6515
Date: 02/12/2009
Project Number: FCOR 2009-0125
Sites: Biological Laboratory
Project Name: Biolabs: Professor B. Burton Lab renovation
Object Number: 311_6548
Date: 01/22/2009
Project Number: FCOR 2009-0126
Sites: Biological Laboratory
Project Name: Biolabs: Professor S. Mango Lab renovation project
Object Number: 311_5333
Date: 07/13/1990
Project Number: FAS 1991-007
Sites: Biological Laboratory
Project Name: Environmental renovations
Object Number: 311_1520
Date: 08/06/1974
Project Number: PIRC 1974-012
Sites: Biological Laboratory
Project Name: Ptashne suite
Object Number: 311_0757
Date: 05/18/1948
Project Number: PIRC 1947-004
Sites: Biological Laboratory
Project Name: Renovations
Object Number: 311_0758
Date: 05/18/1948
Project Number: PIRC 1947-004
Sites: Biological Laboratory
Project Name: Renovations
Object Number: 311_6260
Date: 04/08/2005
Project Number: FAS 2005-051
Sites: Biological Laboratory
Project Name: Zebrafish facility, Professors Dowling and Schier, Biological Labs
Object Number: 311_6346
Date: 09/05/2006
Project Number: FAS 2006-008
Sites: Biological Laboratory
Project Name: Schier Laboratory, in the Bio-Labs
Object Number: 311_2005
Date: 09/25/2003
Project Number: FAS 2004-005
Sites: Biological Laboratory
Project Name: Biology, BSL - 2 Facility in room 5008
Object Number: 311_6782
Date: 09/11/2009
Project Number: FCOR 2010-0021
Sites: Biological Laboratory
Project Name: SCRB Program: Molecular and Cellular Biology [MCB] laboratories and offices
Object Number: 311_2308
Date: [01/01/2017]
Project Number: FCOR 2017-0037
Sites: Biological Laboratory
Project Name: Biological Laboratory, fifth floor north wing renewal for FlyBase
Object Number: 311_2604
Date: [01/01/2017]
Project Number: FCOR 2016-0045
Sites: Biological Laboratory
Project Name: Hoekstra Laboratory renovation