Object NumberP.AHG.0089
TitleOblique view of Lavieties Pavilion entrance and LeBaron Russel Briggs plaque
DescriptionThe plaque is made of metal and is located to the left of the entrance.Date07/28/2015
Previous NumberM.0046
InscriptionsThis tablet commemorates the great services to the cause of sound athletic sports in Harvard University and man other universities of LeBaron Russel Briggs, Dean of Harvard College 1891-1902, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences 1902-1925 and for seventeen years chairman of the committee on the regulation of athletic sports. His influence has been steadily exerted in favor of norable practices and a friendly spirit in spors stenuously competitve. From first to last he has recognized the close relation between the conduct of student sports and the physical and moral health of the institution to which they belong. The spirit of the composite committee on athletic sports which contains faculty, graduate and undergraduate members has been his spirit from the beginning. As he said of it in his first report on its behalf "it uses no strategy has no secrets and believes that athletic sports like every other art of the students' life should be administered not for themselves only but for the highest welfare of the university."
Access NoteAccess to Property Information Resource Center collections is restricted to approved Harvard University staff, or by permission.
Reproduction NoteNo portion of this object shall be reproduced, released, or distributed by any means without the express written permission of the Harvard University Property Information Resource Center.
Object Number: P.AHG.0090
Date: 07/28/2015
Lavietes Pavilion
Object Number: P.ABA.0004
Date: [1931]
Dillon Field House
Object Number: P.850.0001
Date: [01/01/2012]
Project Number: PIRC 2012-002
Lavietes Pavilion
Project Name: Building photography
Object Number: P.850.0003
Date: 05/31/2007
Lavietes Pavilion
Object Number: SD.0127
Date: 02/01/1975
Bright-Landry Hockey Center
Object Number: US.0125
Date: 12/15/1983
Lavietes Pavilion
Object Number: US.A9.0001
Date: 10/26/1983
Dillon Field House
Object Number: SD.0129
Date: 04/01/1975
Bright-Landry Hockey Center
Briggs Cage door openings
Object Number: 850_0013
Date: [01/01/1926]
Project Number: PIRC 1926-007
Lavietes Pavilion
Project Name: Lavietes Pavilion original construction
Object Number: PD.0533.122
Date: 10/2007
Project Number: PIRC 2007-009
Project Name: Aramark Facility Condition Assessment 2007