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E. Verner Johnson
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E. Verner Johnson

Biographical InformationE. Verner Johnson is the founder of the firm E. Verner Johnson and Associates now simply known as Verner Johnson. He previously formed a firm with Robert N. Hotvedt, known as E. Verner Johsnon, Robert N. Hotvedt & Associates, Inc.

E. Verner Johnson was born in 1937 and received both his undergraduate and graduate degrees in architecture from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His focus on the research, planning, and design of museums began in 1961.
"VernerJohnson." Verner Johnson and Associates. Verner Johnson and Associates. Web. 2 May 2016.
E. Verner Johnson and Associates, Inc.: Museum Architecture and Planning. Boston, MA: E. Verner Johnson and Associates, 1998. Print.
Shand-Tucci, Douglass. Built in Boston: City and Suburb, 1800-2000. Amherst, MA: U of Massachusetts, 1999. Print.