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T. Jefferson Coolidge
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T. Jefferson Coolidge

Biographical InformationThomas Jefferson Coolidge was born in Boston in 1831 to one of the most prominent families of the time. He graduated from Harvard University in 1850 and pursued business in the textile industry and later banking and rail roads. He served as the ambassador to France under President Benjamin Harrison. He was the great-grandson of President Thomas Jefferson.Related Buildings / SitesReferences
Coolidge, Thomas Jefferson, and Merrymount Press. Autobiography of T. Jefferson Coolidge : Drawn in Great Part from His Diary and Brought down to the Year MDCCCC. Boston, Priv. Printed at the Merrymount Press, 1902. HOLLIS Number 003801641
Brady, Mathew B.. T. Jefferson Coolidge (U.S. delegate). Albumen silver print. HOLLIS Number HUAM195388