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9 Ash Street
9 Ash Street

9 Ash Street

Address9, Ash Street, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Site Number02243
Alternate Names Philip Johnson House
Building Root Number 02243
Architect (Original) Philip Johnson
Architect (Renewal) Thomas Phifer and Partners
Constructed 1942
Building Acquired 2010
Land Acquired 2010
Renewed 2017
Site Name HistoryThe site is named after its address.Historical Notes9 Ash Street was designed by Philip Johnson while he was an architecture student at Harvard; the building was completed in 1942. Johnson became an influential New York architect and proponent of International Style Modern architecture. The Graduate School of Design purchased the building in 2010.Additional Information
Augusta, Owen P. "An Outside-Inside House." Town & Country, vol. 99, no. 4256, 01, 1944, pp. 59-61.
"Cambridge Fence Hiding Novel House." The Christian Science Monitor, May 23 1942, p. 4.
“Ash Street House Is Featured in January ‘Town and Country.’” Cambridge Chronicle, 13 Jan. 1944, p. 14.
“House Without Nails Is Being Bolted and Glued Together Here.” Cambridge Chronicle, 23 Apr. 1942, p. 1.
Apollon, Audrey M. and Teichholtz, Leah J. “Graduate School of Design Strips Architect’s Name from House in Response to Open Letter.” The Harvard Crimson, 7 Jan. 2021,
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