92 Seattle Street
Address92, Seattle Street, Boston (Allston), MA, United States of America, 02134
Alternate Address90, Seattle Street, Boston (Allston), MA, United States of America, 02134
Alternate Address38, Travis Street, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02134
Site Number06265
Alternate Names
Spurr Rail,
38 Travis Street,
83 Seattle Street,
90 Seattle Street
Building Root Number
Architect (Original)
Building Acquired 1990
Building Acquired 1990
Site Name HistoryThe site is named after its address.Historical NotesThis building is a conglomeration of three buildings which previously had their own addresses and functions. 38 Travis Street was the address for the western portion of the building. 90 Seattle Street was located on the eastern side of the building and was demolished in 2016. 92 Seattle Street is the main portion of the building which remains intact.Related Projects