Veteran's Temporary Housing, HBS [Demolished]
AddressHarvard Way, Boston (Allston), MA, United States of America, 02163
Site Number1258
Alternate Names
Harvard Way Housing Project
Building Root Number
PIRC Site Number 1258
PIRC Site Number 1258
Architect (Original)
Demolished 1950
Demolished 1950
Materials for this building in our collection are not fully processed at this time.
Site Name HistoryThe site is named after its function.Historical NotesThe buildings known as the Veteran’s Temporary Housing were located along Harvard Way adjacent to the Harvard Business School campus in the area now occupied by the Chao Center. The facilities were constructed in response to the unprecedented number of applicants to the college after World War II when Harvard struggled to find appropriate housing for all students. The temporary structures, constructed of fiberboard and purchased in kits from the Federal Public Housing Administration, contained two and three-room units. The structures on Harvard Way represent a handful of the 200 such structures that Harvard purchased during the postwar years. They were razed in 1950.Additional InformationQuirk, Matthew F. "The Class of 1950". Harvard Crimson. June 5, 2000.
"Hotel Housing is a Possibility for Married Veteran". Harvard Crimson. April 9, 1946.
"Housing Projects Curtailed as Married Vets Decrease". Harvard Crimson. February 9, 1950.
"AVC Will Try 2nd Appeal to Keep Housing". Harvard Crimson. April 27, 1950.