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Putnam Property
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Putnam Property

AddressChilmark, MA, United States of America, 02535
Site Number1375
Alternate Names Spring Point,
Building Root Number N/A
PIRC Site Number 1375
Architect (Original) Unknown
Land Acquired 1969
Sold 1973
Site Name HistoryThe site is named after Charles Russell Lowell Putnam, a pediatric surgeon from New York, and his wife Angelica, who owned the land and ran The Putnam Pony Farm there. Historical NotesCharles Russell Lowell Putnam's second wife, Margo, left the land to Harvard in 1969 following her death. On March 2, 1973, Harvard sold 321 acres to Boston real estate firm Land/Vest. Between 1973 to 1974, Land/Vest subdivided and sold the land. In 1974, the Spring Point Association controled the development of the community and enforced the covenants of the Harvard deeds as well as those of the individual landowners.
Additional Information
Kindleberger, R. S. “Buyer Gets Best of Harvard Land Deal.” Boston Globe. December 1, 1974.