Case Estates - 131 Wellesley Street [Sold]
Address131, Wellesley Street, Weston, MA, United States of America, 02493
Site Number144
Alternate Names
Thomas Rand, Jr. House,
The Historic House,
Hillcrest Gardens,
The Case Estates of the Arnold Arboretum,
Building Root Number
Architect (Original)
Thomas Rand Jr.
Building Acquired 1945
Sold 2016
Building Acquired 1945
Sold 2016
Site Name HistoryThe site is named after the Case family who acquired the core property for the botanical garden in 1863. James Case's daughter, Marian Roby Case, bequeathed the property to the Arnold Arboretum in 1942. The site is also named after its address.Historical NotesThe estate originated in 1863 and was bequeathed to Harvard University in 1942. The house is the oldest house on the Case Estates property. In the early 20th century it became part of Hillcrest Farm, an experimental farm/educational program for local boys. After it was bequeathed to Harvard, it was used as a horticultural center for Arnold Arboretum at one time.Additional InformationHoward, Richard, A., "The Hillcrest Gardens, Weston, Massachusetts.", Arnoldia, vol.20, no.9-10, pg. 53-67
“Weston, Mass. Plans To Acquire Harvard Property By Eminent Domain.” The Harvard Crimson, 9 Dec. 2013,