Bussey Institute [Sold]
AddressBoston (Jamaica Plain), MA, United States of America, 02130
Site Number1517
Building Root Number
PIRC Site Number 1517
PIRC Site Number 1517
Architect (Original)
Peabody & Stearns
Building Acquired 1872
Building Acquired 1872
Site Name HistoryThe site is named for Benjamin Bussey (A.B. 1803) a Boston merchant who bequethed funds to Harvard.Historical NotesThe Bussey Institute was designed by architects Peabody and Stearns. Located in Jamaica Plain, it was originally built as an undergraduate school of husbandry and gardening. In 1908 it became a graduate school for applied biology. Benjamin Bussey (A.B. 1903) provided the funds for the Bussey Institute in his will.Additional InformationPeabody and Stearns Collection of Architectural Drawings (1870-1917). Boston Public Library Special Collections.
“The Bussey Institute.” The Harvard Crimson, 28 Jan. 1886, https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1886/1/28/the-bussey-institute-there-is-a/.
“University’s Arboretum Endangered By City School Construction Plans.” The Harvard Crimson, 14 Feb. 1963, https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1963/2/14/universitys-arboretum-endangered-by-city-school/.