Holyoke House [Demolished]
Address1336-1346, Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Site Number1523
Building Root Number
PIRC Site Number 1523
Historic CAPS Identifier 381.7
PIRC Site Number 1523
Historic CAPS Identifier 381.7
Architect (Original)
Ryder & Harris
Building Acquired 1870
Demolished 1961
Building Acquired 1870
Demolished 1961
Site Name HistoryThe site is thought to be named after its proximity to Holyoke Street.Historical NotesHolyoke House was built as a student dormitory with stores on the ground floor and a public restaurant in the rear. The construction was funded by the University and it was located on the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Holyoke Street. It was used as a dormitory until 1928 and then used for tutorial and administrative offices. Holyoke House was demolished in 1961 for the construction of the Smith Campus Center, formerly known as Holyoke Center.Additional InformationHurlbut, Byron Satterlee. A Guide Book to the Grounds and Buildings of Harvard University. Cambridge: U, 1898. Print.
Harvard University Archives. Construction Management Records, ca. 1953-1986. Harvard University Archives call number UAV 298.8000
Weber, Paul J. Photographs of Harvard University Buildings and Grounds Taken by Paul J. Weber, Ca. 1929-1931 and 1939. Harvard University Archives call number HUV 2329
Hale, Herbert D. “Recent Buildings at Harvard University.” The Architectural Review, vol. 8:6, June 1901, pp. 65-75, illus.
"College Affairs and Boston Papers." Harvard Advocate, Vol. 8:4, 24 Nov. 1871, pp. 52-54, https://books.google.com/books?id=hA8o1IGT2IkC&pg=RA3-PA53&dq=%22holyoke+house%22&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0-_z47uznAhUBZDUKHQAqBh04FBDoATAAegQIBBAC#v=onepage&q=%22holyoke%20house%22&f=false.
"Harvard College." Boston Post, 30 Dec. 1870, p. 3.
"Miscellaneious Items." The Warren Mail [Warren, PA], 19 Dec. 1871, pp. 1.
"Harvard College Sports." Chicago Tribune, 23 Nov. 1871, pp. 1.
Harvard University. Forty-Fifth Annual Report of the President of Harvard College, 1869-1870. Cambridge, Mass., p. 27.
"A Dastardly Outrage." Cambridge Chronicle [Cambridge, MA], 18 Nov. 1871, pp. 2.