The Big Tree Swimming Pool [Demolished]
Address11-13, Holyoke Street, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Site Number1575
Alternate Names
The Little Court,
The Dunster Court
Building Root Number
Previous Building Number 233
PIRC Site Number 1575
Previous Building Number 233
PIRC Site Number 1575
Architect (Original)
Richard Clipston Sturgis
Land Acquired 1918
Building Acquired 1918
Demolished 1962
Land Acquired 1918
Building Acquired 1918
Demolished 1962
Materials for this building in our collection are not fully processed at this time.
Site Name HistoryThe site is named after its function.Historical NotesThe Big Tree Athletic Building was erected in 1900 and contained a swimming pool and two handball courts. The building was demolished in 1962 in preparation for the construction of Holyoke Center, now the Smith Campus Center.Additional InformationHale, Herbert D. “Recent Buildings at Harvard University.” The Architectural Review, vol. 8:6, June 1901, pp. 65-75, illus.