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Johnston Gate
Johnston Gate

Johnston Gate

AddressHarvard Yard, Cambridge, MA, 02138
Site Number2000
Building Root Number N/A
PIRC Site Number 2000
Historic CAPS Identifier 107
Architect (Original) McKim, Mead & White
Sponsor / Donor (Original) Samuel Johnston
Constructed 1889
Building Acquired 1889
Site Name HistoryThe Johnston Gate was named for Samuel Johnston who provided the funds for its construction.Historical NotesThe Johnston Gate was erected in 1889 from funds provided by the estate of Samuel Johnston, a Chicago financier, who was a member of the class of 1855. The gate was the first yard gate constructed.

It is inscribed with the following: Samuel Johnston of Chicago, Graduate in the year 1855, Who was born in Cincinnati in the year 1833 and lived 53 years - He ordered this gate to be made by his will.
Additional Information
Kamin, Blair. Gates of Harvard Yard. New York, Princeton Architectural Press, 2016.
Olsson, Marie Louise. Harvard Views, Consisting of Yard Views, Buildings, Gates: a Guide . J. F. Olsson & Co., 1914.
Harvard Univesity: A Selection of Historic Buildings. Cambridge, Mass., 1986.
Swan, Walter Dana. "The Harvard Memorial Gates." The Architectural Review, June 1901, p.61-65.
"The New Harvard Gates Dedicated." Cambridge Chronicle. 29 Jun 1901, p. 12.
Harvard University. "Official Guide to Harvard University, Edited by the Harvard Memorial Society." The University, 1907.
Moore, Charles. The Life and Times of Charles Follen McKim. Houghton Mifflin company, 1929.
“The New Harvard Gateway.” Boston Evening Transcript, 27 Dec. 1889, p. 3.
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