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Swartz Hall

Address45, Francis Avenue, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Site Number395
Alternate Names Andover Hall,
Building Root Number 02311
Architect (Original) Allen & Collens, Architects
Architect (Renewal) Ann Beha Architects
Constructed 1911
Building Acquired 1935
Land Acquired 1935
Renewed 2019
Site Name HistorySwartz Hall is named for philanthropist Susan Shallcross Swartz and her family. The Swartz family provided funding for programs at the Divinity School as well as the 2019 renewal project. The site was previously named after the Andover Theological Seminary, which moved to Cambridge and constructed the building in 1911 after forging an affiliation with Harvard's Divinity School.Historical NotesSwartz Hall was originally designed by the New York architecture firm of Allen and Collens and built in 1911 for the Andover Theological Seminary, which had recently moved from Andover, Massachusetts in order to be affiliated with Harvard Divinity School. Allen and Collens specialized in ecclesiastical architecture.

Harvard purchased the building in 1935.

Swartz Hall continues to serve as an academic building for the Harvard Divinity School.
Additional Information
Harvard University Archives. Records of the Harvard Divinity School Office of the Associate Dean for Finance and Administration : Construction Project Planning and Proposal Records Re: Library and Andover Hall, 1971-1994. Construction Project Planning and Proposal Records Re Library and Andover Hall, 1971-1994. Harvard University Archives accession number 14977
Harvard University Archives. General Information by and about Andover Hall. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1144.2
Wong, Matteo N. “Harvard Divinity School Adapts to Swartz Hall Renovation.” Harvard Crimson, 13 Sept. 2019,
"Andover Progress. President Fitch Speaks of the Seminary’s New Life and Growth Since It Came to Cambridge." Cambridge Tribune, 28 Jan. 1911, p. 3.
"Andover Theological School Building Dedication Exercises at the Andover Theological Seminary." Cambridge Chronicle, 28 Oct 1911.
"Andover’s Plans: Building Operations Will Soon Begin at the Norton Estate-A Group of Fine Buildings." Cambridge Tribune, 19 Mar. 1910, p. 9.
"Andover Seminary. Buildings on Divinity and Francis Avenues Are Nearing Completion - Large Transfer of Books." Cambridge Tribune, 10 June 1911.
Chopra, Ahab. "Swartz Hall Renovations Involve Reducing Chemical Presence in Building." The Harvard Crimson, 24 Oct. 2019,
"Harvard Buys Andover Hall." Cambridge Tribune, 17 Apr. 1936, p. 7.
"New Parking Lot Will Open in May; To Hold 130 Cars." The Harvard Crimson, 1 May 1952,
"New Theological School." Cambridge Chronicle, 12 Feb. 1910, p. 4.
"Plans for Andover Hall." Cambridge Tribune, 12 Feb. 1910, p. 1.
"The New Andover Theological Seminary." Cambridge Sentinel, 26 Aug. 1911.
Williams, Gabrielle M. "Divinity School to Fund Andover Hall Renovations." The Harvard Crimson, 10 Feb. 2016,
Zhao, Jingyao. "Record $25 Million Donation to Divinity School to Fund Renovations." The Harvard Crimson, 22 Feb. 2018,
This building has been designated by the University Planning Office as having a Notable Interior.
Rabinowitz Room
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