Memorial Hall
Address45, Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Previous Address1785, Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Site Number105
Alternate Names
Sanders Theater,
Annenberg Hall
Building Root Number
Architect (Original)
Ware and Van Brunt
Architect (Renewal)
VSBA Architects and Planners
Constructed 1878
Building Acquired 1878
Renewed 1996
Constructed 1878
Building Acquired 1878
Renewed 1996
Materials for this building in our collection are not fully processed at this time.
Site Name HistoryThe site is named after its function, which is a memorial to the Harvard University students who died fighting for the Union Army in the Civil War. Historical NotesMemorial Hall was designed by William Ware and Henry Van Brunt of Boston. It was designed and built as a memorial to the 136 Harvard men who lost their lives fighting for the Union cause in the American Civil War. The building which includes Annenberg Hall, a dining hall for freshmen, and Sanders Theater, a performance space was constructed on an open space known as the “Delta” which had been used as a playing field. Its construction was funded through gifts of alumni organized by the Committee of Fifty chaired by Charles Greely Loring (A.B. 1812). The clock and bell were given by the Harvard College class of 1872 on the building's 25th anniversary.
During World War I the building housed activities related to the United States Naval Radio School, which occupied a portion of Harvard's campus from 1917 to 1919. During World War II the iron cresting on the tower was scrapped for the war effort and the building was neglected for some time. A restoration attempt was made in 1956 when an accidental fire destroyed the fire. In 1976 the slate roofs were restored and in 1999 the tower was rebuilt. Memorial Hall has been designated a National Historic Landmark by the U.S. Department of the Interior.
Additional Information
2000 winner of the Cambridge Historical Commission Preservation Award
2000 winner of the Massachusetts Historical Commission Preservation Award.
2000 winner of the National Trust for Historic Preservation Honor Award.
2000 winner of the Victorian Society in American Preservation Award.
Placed on the National Register of Historic Places December 30, 1970. National Register Information System ID: 70000685
Interior, Memorial Hall, Harvard University. Boston Public Library, Print Department., Boston. Web. Local Accession Number: 06_11_000017
Hurlbut, Byron Satterlee. A Guide Book to the Grounds and Buildings of Harvard University. Cambridge: U, 1898. Print.
Weber, Paul J. Photographs of Harvard University Buildings and Grounds Taken by Paul J. Weber, Ca. 1929-1931 and 1939. Harvard University Archives call number HUV 2329
Memorial Hall. Blueprints for the Memorial Hall Tower Clock. (1870). Harvard University Archives call number HUB 3291.5 pf
Memorial Hall Tower Spire Restoration. (2000). Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.70.6
Ware and Van Brunt, Architects. Historic Structure Report on the Replacement of the Tower Roof, Memorial Hall, Harvard University, September 22, 1995 Draft. S.L: S.n., 1995. Harvard University Loeb Design Library call number LD2159.M4 H39 1995
Jones, Leslie. Memorial Hall, Harvard. 1923. Web. 07 Jun 2017. .
Griffin, Arthur. Memorial Hall Harvard 9/3/36. 03 Sep 1936. Web. 07 Jun 2017.
Ambler, Louise. History of Memorial Hall. Cambridge, Mass., ca. 1980. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.2.
Anderson, Arthur B. The Inscription on the Tower. 1990. Harvard University Archives call number HUD 927.5.
Blake, H. N. "Vacant Tablets in Memorial Hall." The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine, vol. 20, no. 80, Harvard Graduates’ Magazine Association, 1912, pp. 597-.
Van Brunt, Henry. "Harvard Memorial Hall and Sanders Theater." Harvard Register. Vol. 1:4, March 1880
Bush, George Gary. History of Higher Education in Massachusetts: Influence of Harvard University in the Civil War. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1891. p. 186-187.
Clark, Henry and F.O. Vaille. The Harvard Book: A Series of Historical, Biographical, and Descriptive Sketches. Cambridge, Mass., 1875. Harvard University Archives call number HUA 878.90F.
Hammond, Mason. "Latin, Greek, and Hebrew Inscriptions On and In Harvard Buildings, Part I: Memorial Hall." Harvard Library Bulletin, Vol. 28:3, July 1980: p. 299-346. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.36.2.
Harvard College Class of 1874. "Memorial Hall Window." Seventh Report of the Secretary. Cambridge, Mass., 1899. page 159
"University Notes [note about proposal to include Confederate graduates in Memorial Hall.]" Harvard Graduates' Magazine. Volume 18, June 1910, p. 783-784.
"Hymn for the Dedication of Memorial Hall at Cambridge, June 23, 1874." The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Vol. 3. Edinburgh, 1892.
King, Moses. Harvard and Its Surroundings. Cambridge, Mass., 1882.
"Memorials and Matches." Harvard Alumni Bulletin. Vol. 24:1, September 29, 1921: p. 458.
Raguin, Virginia Chieffo. "The Living Museum of the American City: Reflections on Stained Glass in Buildings and Museums." Journal of the Walters Gallery. Vol. 52-53, 1994-1995.
Shaffer, Robert B. Ruskin. "Norton, and Memorial Hall." Harvard Library Bulletin. Vol. 3:2, Spring 1949: p. 213.
Shaler, Nathaniel S. "The True Measure of Valor." Harvard Graduates' Magazine. Vol. 7, December 1898: p. 192.
Vogt, Jay W. An Architectural History of Memorial Hall. 1975. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.91.
Ware & Van Brunt, Architects. The Memorial Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Boston, Mass., 1887. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.92 and Loeb Design Library call number LD2159.M4;W3x.
Alexander-Shilland. Ware and Van Brunt: Architectural Practice and Professionalization (1863-1881). [Ph.D. dissertation]. Boston University, 1999.
Fan, Stephen. Memorial Hall: Collective Memories and Constructions of Harvard's Civil War Legacy (1863-1897). [Undergraduate honors thesis]. Harvard University, 2006. Harvard University Archives call number HU 92.2006.169.
Weston, Lila. Generous Instincts : Remembering Harvard's Confederate Alumni. [A.L.M. thesis]. Harvard University, 1994. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.94.93.
Yznaga, Fernando A. Memorial Hall Roof Truss. [Undergraduate honors thesis]. Harvard University, 1875. Harvard University Archives call number HU 92.2.894.
Letter from Ralph Waldo Emerson to William B. Dorr : July 12, 1866. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.24.
General Information by and about Memorial Hall. Harvard University Archives call numbers HUB 1556.2, HUB 1556.38 & HUB 1556.98.
General Information about the Windows and Portraits in Memorial Hall. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.4.
Final Reports of the Building Committee and of the Treasurer of the Harvard Memorial Fund to the Committee of Fifty. 26 June, 1878. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.28.
War Memorial Correspondence Relating to the Planning of Memorial Hall, 1874. Harvard University Archives call number UAII
Proceedings of the Committee of Fifty, 1865-1878. Harvard University Archives call number UAI 15.80.
Records of the Committee of Fifty, 1865-1878. Harvard University Archives call number UAI 15.80.5.
Lee, Henry Jr. Records of Henry Lee, Jr., 1865-1878. Harvard University Archives call number UAI 15.80.7.
Records of Secretary of the Building Committee, 1868-1878. Harvard University Archives call number UAI 15.80.10.
Architectural Drawings of Decorative Copper Work and Roof, 1948. Harvard University Archives call number UAI 15.80.11.
Records of the President of Harvard University, Charles W. Eliot, 1869-1930. Harvard University Archives call number UAI 5.150
Hoar, E. R. Address at the Laying of the Corner Stone of Memorial Hall, at Harvard College, October 6, 1870. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.70.
Report on the Permanent Memorial, 1865. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.75.
Poster Issued to Commemorate the Gift of Mrs. Katherine B. Loker to Establish Loker Commons in Memorial Hall, September 24, 1992. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.71.
Alport, Carol Lynn. Memorial Hall : a Harvard Renaissance. [video recording] 2000. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.70.5.
Memorial Hall Tower Spire Restoration. [video recording], ca. 2000. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.70.6.
Flood, Thomas. Memorial Hall Tower Fire. [motion picture] 1956. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.95.
Blueprints for the Memorial Hall Tower Clock. 1870. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 3291.5pf.
Diagram of Arrangement of Paintings and Sculptures in Memorial Hall, ca. 1904. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.89.
Whitehall, W.M. "Memorial Hall and the Shortness of Human Memory." Newsletter of the Harvard Graduate Society of Advanced Study and Research. May 17, 1967. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1556.93.
Memorial Hall. Plans, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, 1874. Fine Arts Library call number Slides and Digital Images, 182 H 267 5 MeP.
Lodge, Henry Cabot. "The Redemption of Memorial Hall." Harvard Alumni Bulletin, July 4, 1950, pp. [1246]-1247.
Stained Glass Window Fragments from Memorial Hall. Harvard University Archives accession 13783.
Whitehill, Walter Muir. "Noble, Neglected, Memorial Hall Turns 100" Harvard Bulletin. March 197. Vol. 74:8, pp. [22]-68.
Pearson, Henry G. "The Missing Tower." Harvard Magazine. vol. 90:5, May-June 1988, pp. 54-62.
Letters From Francis James Child to Dr. Brown, 1863-1873. Harvard University Archives call number HUG 1279.6.
General Information about Sanders Theatre. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1765.
Graduate School of Arts and Science, Office of the Dean. General Administrative Records. 1992-1993. Harvard University Archives call number UAV 161.95.6.
Harvard Memorabilia of Conrad Godwin Goddard, 1904-1908 and 1958. Harvard University Archives call number HUD 908.34.
Lampl, Jack Willard. The Birth and Times of a Monument: Memorial Hall. [Thesis for Fine Arts F2]. Loeb Design Library call number NA 6600g27 Cam L 198.
Historic Structure Report on the Replacement of the Tower Roof, Memorial Hall, Harvard University, September 22, 1995 Draft. Loeb Design Library call number LD2159.M4;H39 1995.
The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Photography Collection, The New York Public Library. "Memorial hall, Cambridge, Mass." The New York Public Library Digital Collections.
“Harvard Hub Takes on New Aura.” Architectural Record, vol. 184, no. 7, 1996, pp. 94–99,
“Restoring the Tower.” American School & University, vol. 68, no. 2, 1995, p. 16.
“Harvard to Put Top on `topless’ Landmark.” Chronicle of Higher Education, vol. 45, no. 28, 19 Mar. 1999, p. A8.
“Harvard to Restore Historic Windows.” Stained Glass Quarterly, vol. 81, no. 4, 1986, p. 252.
Sloan, J. L., and J. L. Yarnall. “John La Farge and the Stained-Glass Windows in Memorial Hall at Harvard University.” Magazine Antiques, vol. 141, no. 4, 1992, p. 642.
Mastroberte, Tammy. “Re-Creating Architectural History at Harvard University.” Stone World, vol. 17, no. 9, 2000, p. 112.
Hale, Jonathan. “Harvard Tower Emerges from the Ashes.” Architectural Record, vol. 187, no. 4, 1999, p. 58,
“New Clock for Memorial Hall.” The Harvard Graduates' Magazine, vol. 5, no. 20, 1897, p. 566.
"Changes at Harvard." Boston Daily Globe, 26 Sep 1905, p. 16.
"Harvard University: the Dedication of Memorial Hall. The Procession to the Edifice the Oration of Charles Francis Adams Hymn of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Hymn by O.W. Holmes." New York Times, 23 June 1874, pg. 5.
Harvard University. A Guide Book to the Grounds and Buildings of Harvard University. Published by the University, 1898.
Harvard University and Cambridge: Photogravures. A.Wittemann, c1895.,
Holmes, Oliver Wendell. The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendall Holmes: Poems from the Breakfast-Table Series. D. Douglas, 1892.
Vaille, F. O. The Harvard Book; a Series of Historical, Biographical, and Descriptive Sketches by Various Authors. Houghton, Osgood and Co, 1878.
DeMarco, Peter. “A Treasure Way Up High.” Harvard Magazine, vol. 118, no. 3, Jan-Feb. 2016, p. 84.
Campbell, Robert. “Harvard’s Great Room.” Boston Globe, 28 Jan. 1996, p. 29.
Campbell, Robert. “Gift of $1m Targets Harvard Tower Aid: [City Edition].” Boston Globe (Pre-1997 Fulltext), 22 Oct. 1994, p. 37.
“Gothic Spire Returns to Harvard’s Memorial Hall.” Cambridge Chronicle, 8 Apr. 1999, p. 1.
This building has been designated by the University Planning Office as having a Notable Interior.
Annenburg Hall
Sanders Theater
Meade Room
Fisher Room
Yee Room