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Killiam House [Demolished]
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Killiam House [Demolished]

Previous Address33, Kirkland Street, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Site Number1776
Architect (Original) Unknown
Constructed 1832
Building Acquired 1945
Land Acquired 1945
Demolished 1946
Materials for this building in our collection are not fully processed at this time.
Site Name HistoryThe site is named after the family who occupied the premises.Historical NotesKilliam House, one of the many buildings which have held the street address of 33 Kirkland Street, was constructed in 1832. According to documentation at the time the house was a two-story structure. It was owned by Henry Ware, Jr. who was a professor at Harvard College. In 1901 the house was moved on its lot to a different orientation. In 1945 Harvard acquired the parcel and later razed the bulding.Additional Information
Hall, Max., and Chandler, Alfred D. Harvard University Press : a History. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1986. HOLLIS number: 00457752
Randall Hall. “General Information by and about Randall Hall." Harvard University Archives call number: HUB 1729.2