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1607-1611 Massachusetts Avenue
1607-1611 Massachusetts Avenue

1607-1611 Massachusetts Avenue

Alternate Address1607, Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Alternate Address1611, Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Previous Address1607-1615, Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Address1607-1611, Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Site Number275
Building Root Number 06069
Architect (Original) NBBJ
Land Acquired 1988
Constructed 2018
Site Name HistoryThe site is named after its address.Historical NotesThe original structure on this lot, 1607 to 1615 Massachusetts Avenue, was designed by architect F. A. Norcross of Boston and completed in 1914. The building was acquired by Harvard in 1988. In 2016 the original 1914 structure was razed and a new building for the Harvard Law School, designed by NBBJ, was opened in 2018.Additional Information
Ryan, Aidan F. and Zheng, Ruth. “Harvard Law Unveils New Building for Legal Clinics, Research Programs.” The Harvard Crimson, 15 Nov. 2018,
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