Harvard Hall
Address12, Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Site Number324
Building Root Number
Designer (Original)
Sir Francis Bernard
Architect (Original)
Thomas Dawes
Building Acquired 1766
Building Acquired 1766
Site Name HistoryThe site is named for John Harvard (1607-1638), an early benefactor of Harvard College.Historical NotesHarvard Hall, as it stands today, is the third building to have had the name on campus; it was constructed in 1766. The original Harvard Hall was wood-frame structure that was built in 1672 and later demolished in 1680. The second Harvard Hall, which is on the same site as the current Harvard Hall, was completely destroyed by fire in 1764.Harvard Hall was designed as a multi-purpose academic building and originally contained a chapel, a kitchen and dining commons, a library, classrooms and a collection of scientific instruments. It was designed by Sir Francis Bernard, colonial governor of the Massachusetts Bay province from 1760 to 1769. The building was expanded and a two-story porch was added during the 1842 renovation by the designer Richard Bond. In 1870 the building was renovated and expanded again based on designs by Ware & Van Brunt.
Harvard Hall housed the country's first experimental physics laboratory and the university's first mineralogical collections. Funding for construction of the building was provided by the Province of Massachusetts Bay.
Additional Information
Harvard buildings. 1850-1920. Boston Public Library, Print Department., Boston. Web. Local Accession Number: 06_11_000916
Whipple, John Adams. Harvard Hall. c.1858. Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge. 2.2002.1969 (Object Number)
Hurlbut, Byron Satterlee. A Guide Book to the Grounds and Buildings of Harvard University. Cambridge: U, 1898. Print.
Harvard University Archives. Construction Management Records, ca. 1953-1986. Harvard University Archives call number UAV 298.8000
Weber, Paul J. Photographs of Harvard University Buildings and Grounds Taken by Paul J. Weber, Ca. 1929-1931 and 1939. Harvard University Archives call number HUV 2329
Harvard University. Corporation. Records of Early Harvard Buildings, 1710-1969. (1710). Harvard University Archives call number UAI 15.10.5
Bowen, Lois M., Zimberg, George, Hutchins Photography, and Fay Foto Service. Photographs of the Harvard Hall Renovations, circa 1968-1970. (1968). Harvard University Archives call number HUY 89.
Harvard College Library. Ground Plan of the Library in Harvard Hall, 1831-1832. (1831). Harvard University Archives call number UAIII
Warren, G. K., Notman, William, and Morison, Samuel Eliot. Photographic Views of Harvard Hall, 1764, 1841-1968 (1764). Harvard University Archives call number HUV 30.2
Jones, Leslie. Bird's eye view of Harvard campus. 1950. Web. 07 Jun 2017. .
Du Simitiere, Pierre Eugene. South front of Harvard Hall at Cambridge in New England. 1767. Library Company of Philadelphia number 965.F.39
Du Simitiere, Pierre Eugene. Plan of Harvard Hall. 1767. Library Company of Philadelphia number 965.F.40
Massachusetts Daughters of the American Revolution. Hannah Winthrop chapter, Cambridge. An Historic Guide to Cambridge. 2nd ed., rev. ed., Cambridge, Mass., 1907.
General Information by and about Harvard Hall. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1447.2.
General Information by and about Old Harvard Hall, 1764-circa 1900. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1446.
Subscriptions Records: Subscriptions for Alterations in Harvard Hall, 1842. Harvard University Archives call number UAI 15.1328.
Wallpaper Fragment from Harvard Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, ca. 1770. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1447.6 PF.
"Burning of Harvard Hall." The Boston Gazette. January 27, 1764. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1447.164 F.
Room Assignments, 1741-1763. Harvard University Archives call number HUB 1447.5.
Foster, Francis Apthrop. Burning of Harvard Hall, 1764, and its Consequences. Cambridge, Mass., 1911. available at multiple locations with various call numbers consult HOLLIS for details.
Manuscript Inventory of Personal Property of the College, 1828. Harvard University Archives call number UAI 20.828.
Records of Early Harvard buildings, 1710-1969. Harvard University Archives call number UAI 15.10.5 http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.ARCH:hua50010
This building has been designated by the University Planning Office as having a Notable Interior.
The Philosophy Chamber was previously located on the first floor from 1766 - 1820.