59 Plympton Street
Address59, Plympton Street, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Alternate Address52-60, Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Alternate Address57-59, Plympton Street, Cambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Site Number380
Alternate Names
Rosovsky Hall,
The Riesman Center for Harvard Hillel
Building Root Number
Architect (Original)
Moshe Safdie
Lease Started 2001
Lease Terminated 2022
Lease Started 2001
Lease Terminated 2022
Site Name HistoryThe site is named after its address.Historical Notes59 Plympton Street, also known as Rosovsky Hall, was built in 1996 by architect Moshe Safdie. The building is home to Harvard Hillel, a service organization centered around Jewish life at Harvard.Additional InformationHarvard-Radcliffe Hillel Foundation. "Dedication of the Riesman Center in Rosovsky Hall: Sunday, May 1, 1994." Boston, MA, Harvard-Radcliffe Hillel, 1994.
Xiao, Bowen. "Epstein Donated Nearly $9 Million to Harvard, School President Says." The Epoch Times, New York, NY, p. A6.
Frost, William Lee. "The Founding of Harvard/Radcliffe Hillel a fiftieth anniversary exhibition: an exhibition focusing on the pioneering work of Judah J. Shapiro, founding director of Boston-area B'Nai Brith Hillel Foundation and the first director of Harvard/Radcliffe Hillel." Cambridge, MA. 1994
"Harvard fetes Henry Rosovsky, Hillel, Jewish life on campus." Jewish Advocate. Boston, MA, 3 November 2017.
Levy, Marc. "Harvard Hillel Breaks Ground for New Building." Jewish Advocate. Boston, MA, 18 March 1993, p. 3.
"Jewish student center named for Harvard dean." Chronicle of Higher Education. Volume 37, issue 39, 12 June 1991, p. A2.
Baker, Kimberly B. “Harvard Hillel Plans $8m Center.” Boston Globe (Pre-1997 Fulltext), 24 May 1991, p. NO PG CIT.