Center for Government and International Studies Complex
AddressCambridge, MA, United States of America, 02138
Site NumberC044
Alternate Names
Building Root Number
Architect (Original)
Pei Cobb Freed & Partners
Building Acquired 2005
Building Acquired 2005
Site Name HistoryThe site is named after its function.Historical NotesThe CGIS complex consists of two five-story mirror-image buildings located on either side of Cambridge Street. The complex houses the Department of Government and other research departments. The complex was completed in 2005. Additional InformationMaycock, Susan E., and Charles Sullivan. Building old Cambridge: architecture and development. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2016. Print. Lamont Library call number NA735.C28 M39 2016; Loeb Design Library call number NA735.C28 M39 2016.